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Finding the Moments

My daughter is a lively and outgoing 10 year old. She has endless energy and an incredible spirit. She also has a lot of trouble with emotional regulation and impulse control. She has ADHD and a NVLD learning disability. This makes social interactions and keeping friends very difficult. She is an incredibly funny, kind, loving and generous person, but because of her learning difficulties she has low self-esteem.

Her first year at RKY was at age 7 and she attended a one week program. I worried how she would feel being away from home for the first time for an extended period; I also was very concerned about how she would do socially. I need not have worried as she got off the bus at the end of the week glowing with joy and self-worth. She proclaimed that she would like to go the next year for one month, before even stopping to give me a hug. In her second year again she came home the most satisfied with herself as I have ever seen her. She had won two awards, and the pride she took in those was palpable. She had made friends at camp who expressed sadness at seeing her go.

The staff do an amazing job of finding the moments to build her up emotionally as well. She comes home telling of many instances where she was commended for her actions or ability and those are things that she needs so much. I am having difficulty expressing just how much this program allows her to be her true self while at the same time guiding her in growing as a person and meeting all her emotional as well as physical needs. I can truly see her continuing each year until she hopefully one day is able to transition to staff. Continually growing and learning along the way.


An ever grateful mom


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